Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lardass Returns in The Runcible Spoon Swimsuit Issue!

As I mentioned a few posts ago, The Runcible Spoon is a wonderful little food zine based in Washington, D.C. whose approach to food is fun and fanciful rather than serious and stuffy. It's completely handmade and features imaginative original writing and creative collage by local writers and illustrators.

I had the pleasure of contributing a piece ("Lardass Returns!") about pie--a potato-green chili pie with a cheddar bacon crumble and lard crust, to be exact--to their most recent issue--THE SWIMSUIT ISSUE! Here's a little more about it, from editor Malaka Gharib:

Our new summer SWIMSUIT issue features lusciously gratuitous food options and down-home, sticks-to-your-ribs recipes that are guaranteed to make that winter weight permanent and get us beach-ready in no time. The zine includes a story on the art of frying avocados from NPR producer, Bill Chappell; a photo essay on vintage kitchenware by the Washington Post's AJ Chavar; and a recipe for lard pie by DC-based, Tarts by Tarts' Emily Hilliard.

Want to make this perfectly heavy summer treat? Click on the image above or better yet, buy a copy (see below)!

Wanna get your greasy little hands on a copy? You can order them on Etsy here for the very low price of $3 each! It's on my recommended summer reading list for the beach, backyard, or bus.

And by the way, this issue has gotten some amazing press! The Huffington Post Food & DC sections have covered it, as well as The New York Times Magazine (last Sunday), Washington City Paper, Refinery29, ScoutMob and the Washington Post, too. Now go get you some fried avocados and lard pie!

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