Saturday, August 08, 2009

Blueberry Pie on the 4th of July

The 4th of July kicked off my summer month of farming, baking, berries, and friends at Rokeby. Matt arrived by train from the city the night before, and after a morning of weeding in the garden and burritos at Bubby's, the 4 of us headed to Grieg's to pick a bucketfull bounty of blueberries for the evening's pies and the buckles and ice cream to be made later.

After a few rounds of bags, a few rounds of beers, and lying in the grass, we set to make the pies before the fireworks started. Matt wanted to try his hand at the crust (using the recipe at right) and I tackled the filling.

Here's the approximate recipe I used, for 1 pie: 

 Combine the following:
At least 6 cups fresh berries, washed and de-stemmed
3 Tblsp. corn starch or arrowroot
1 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. lemon zest

1/4 tsp. salt
Splash of lemon juice

Pour into bottom crust, and cut a lattice top (HINT: use a ruler or some other guide so your strips are approx. the same width), wash with a fresh and golden Shoving Leopard Farm egg! Bake for 10 min. at 425, then reduce heat to 350 and bake 35-40 min. longer until crust is golden and flaky, and filling is bubbly. 

We put them in the oven, and went up the dark spiral staircase to the tower, to watch the fireworks from various towns across the Hudson. We all saw a ghost on our descent.

Then we celebrated the birthday of Marina, France, and the USA in the PEZ.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I can only mourn that you had to resort to high bush blueberries. Alack.

  2. alack, i regret the same.

  3. I just stumbled upon your miracle blog! An entire blog devoted to pie. My friends and I have never known! I'm glad to have found you and the abundance of recipes. I might pull a Julie and Julie and spend the next 365 testing your archives. I keep thinking, "Who are these people? And why didn't I start a pie club?" Since you've brought me this heavenly gift that I now subscribe to, I'd love to submit (humbly) one of my favorite pie fables.

    My name is Michelle Meals and my email is I bragged about your blog on my own blog:

    PS - I had no idea Sade wrote a song about pie. sexy sexy.

  4. You wrote under your berry picking photo Picking Bluebellies, just so you know.

    I love your blog, thanks for posting it. Am going to make a pie soon. Jealous about being able to pick blueberries!

  5. bluebellies is no mistake! i used to call them that when i was little because i thought they looked like little blue belly buttons. smurf belly buttons, perhaps.

    thanks for reading and good luck with the pie!
