I received this lovely postcard/heart-attack pecan pie recipe in the mail yesterday from Jamie, who is currently hanging out at Graceland, flipping switches on Elvis' circuit breaker and stealing recipes from Mary Jenkins (Elvis' cook). Jamie says, "I figure this is a pretty std. pecan pie recipe, but in case you are interested in authenticity (and I know you are) this is THE pecan pie recipe that Elvis ate."
Here it is (in case you can't read the card):
Elvis' Pecan Pie
4 eggs
2 Tbsp. flour
1 cup Karo syrup
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans
1 tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
1 stick butter
1 cup water
Melt butter and blend in other ingredients and mix together well. Pour into a 9-inch unbaked pie shell(unfortunately it doesn't include Mary's crust recipe, but I'll bet it's got a lotta butter) and bake about 1 hour in a 325 F. oven
I haven't tried this yet, but maybe I will sometime soon--that is, if I can convince my 'organic-whole wheat flour-no sugar-or eggs-applesauce-fresh-from-the-farm' friends to try it.
But whatever, it's Elvis, and maybe it wasn't the pie that killed him(or maybe it was)! Don't tell Mary her secret's out. Oh Mary...